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Andrew George

Promoting the Politics of Courage

The Cornish Economy

Cornwall and Scilly are exceptional places. Andrew George is a true Cornishman, born and brought up here. He knows what makes the place tick and understands the hard realities of a tough working environment and low wages.

Andrew helped secure the top European regional aid in 2000, which was won because Cornwall is the UK’s poorest region.

Andrew has always stood up for Cornwall, making sure his constituents are not at the end of the line for investment. He helped secure projects that are benefitting the area, including the new train Care Centre at Long Rock, saving the iconic sleeper service, and rejuvenating Goonhilly.

Towns in the St Ives constituency (and other Tory marginals) have recently been offered assistance from the Government’s Towns’ Fund. Andrew welcomes the much-needed funding, although he sees it for what it is: a pre-election bribe. Nevertheless, if the money’s there, he’ll make sure it’s spent effectively.

Leaving the EU will harm our fishing, farming and other sectors badly, and we’ll also lose £millions of investment from EU funds.

The Liberal Democrats will scrap business rates to encourage local growth. This would cut business taxes by 20% in Cornwall (24% on Scilly).

Do we want a strong Cornish voice in Westminster again, a man who will always put Cornwall and Scilly first? If we do, we should support Andrew George.