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Andrew George

Promoting the Politics of Courage

Employment & Training

Cornish people are resourceful, talented, and hard-working, but appallingly underpaid. Andrew and the Liberal Democrats aim to modernise employment and training, for the benefit of everybody.

Employment rights need to reflect the “gig economy”, which affects thousands of seasonal and freelance workers in Cornwall. The Liberal Democrats will also reverse the Tory cuts to work allowances in universal credit, so people can work for longer before their benefits are cut. And, naturally, that cruel Work Capability Assessment will be scrapped.

Andrew has seen the working environment change in Cornwall, including the rise of the creative and IT industries. This can mean retraining and learning new skills – and that’s where the Skills Wallet comes in. Andrew’s party will give each adult a training and education grant of £10,000.

And to make it easier for parents and guardians to train or work, the Lib Dems propose upping the free childcare allowance for 2-4 year-olds to 35 hours per week. Sensible, practical policies that make life better for Cornish families.

Andrew will continue to campaign passionately for new opportunities in his constituency. He supported new sectors such as Space Science at Goonhilly. He campaigned for the train care centre at Long Rock, and established the Penzance harbour working group. He will fight to make sure Cornwall’s farming and fishing industries receive the support they need, whatever Brexit brings.